I love languages. I love using the languages of music and written, spoken or sung words to create my own work and work for interesting clients. I love that a skillful practitioner of language has the power to awaken the compassion of the world or to shatter glass and raze cities with the same effort. I work with musical and written language as both vocation and compulsion and I’d be happy to do so for you.

- Brandon Phillips, Creative Mercenary

 The following projects were completed for a variety of clients and purposes on timelines ranging anywhere from one week to one year.



The Earthling

The Earthling


Drag The River

Drag The River


Buddy System App

Buddy System App

Pitch Deck

Training Videos


MADSKY Job Management

 Graphic Novels

Music Production


Mensa Deathsquad

The Architects

Other Americans


Commercial Music


Contact Brandon


Contact for rates.